Sixth Week

In sixth week, we achieved following goals :

  1. PDF Documentation was generated.
  2. To generate PDF Doc, we generate LATEX files for each source and then run pdflatex on them.
  3. XML Doc was read to get appropriate information for PDF Doc.
  4. Jinja2 library was used to generate template for latex files.
  5. New jinja2 environment was created as default environment clashes with latex syntax.
  6. New jinja2 filter was added to escape special chars present in latex.
  7. The Definition can not be indented in pdf, so used breadcrumbs bar in each definition to show its ancestors in definition tree.
  8. Each folder was also given a pkg.toc.tex file to create a table of contents. It contained bundle info, if any and links to individual source file along with first line of the that source.
  9. PDF Documentation was generated from tex files by combining them using \input in latex. Using this, we create an overall documentation (for complete source tree) and individual folder documentation (for all files in one folder - no subfolders).


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