Fifth Week

In fifth week, we achieved following goals :

  1. Text Documentation was generated.
  2. XML Doc was read to get appropriate information for Text Documentation.
  3. Jinja2 library was used to generate Template.
  4. For Text Documentation, we limited all information display to 150 chars per line.
  5. The Definition was indented on basis of their level in the tree.
  6. We use textwrap library to heuristically break long sentences along word boundaries.
  7. Each folder was also given a pkg.toc.txt file, which contained bundle information and links to all files in that folder.
  8. Heuristic signature breaking was designed. The signature for definition was read and broken into return type, name and parameter string.
  9. The breaking occured along heuristic : break at first incidence of name in the sign that it not enclosed by brackets and ends in whitespace or '('. Then break at end of the name.


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