Eighth Week

In eighth week, we achieved following goals:

  1. Generate Links to any external Documentation for given ecl source tree.
  2. For example , if project A has IMPORT B.B1; stmt in some file and we have included path to B Code in eclcc using -I option, that we can also include path to documentation of B which will be linked correctly to any such import stmts in documentation of A.
  3. To generate external documentation, each ecldoc run generates a tree.json file for each folder in given ecl source tree.
  4. Tree.json files provides paths to each file starting from the folder the json file is in. If the corresponding source path is included in eclcc, we can determine target path using this json file.
  5. Example - If input_root below is included in -I option of eclcc, then any imports of keys in tree (example_8, intest, intest.example_11, intest.inintest, intest.inintest.example_2) will be linked correctly to documentation in output_root in each format.
  6. {
        "input_root": "/media/sarthak/Data/ecldoc/testing/test",
        "output_root": "/media/sarthak/Data/ecldoc/testing/test-docs",
        "tree": {
            "example": {
                "key": "example.ecl",
                "tree": "example.ecl"
            "example_8": {
                "key": "example_8.ecl",
                "tree": "example_8.ecl"
            "intest": {
                "key": "intest",
                "tree": {
                    "example_11": {
                        "key": "example_11.ecl",
                        "tree": "intest/example_11.ecl"
                    "inintest": {
                        "key": "inintest",
                        "tree": {
                            "example_2": {
                                "key": "example_2.ecl",
                                "tree": "intest/inintest/example_2.ecl"


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