Seventh Week

In 7th week, we achieved following goals :

  1. Generated a type system in eclcc code so that we get accurate types for return type and parameters than those returned by heuristic signature breaking.
  2. Each Type is represented as type tree.
  3. To generate type system, we used a switch statement over type code of given type. For simple types, we simple used getECLType() for that type code.
  4. For complex types, we used their typename as attribute in type tree and recursed over any child type.
  5. For record type, we used queryOriginalName to get original name if record is previously defined and do not expand that record.
  6. Else we expand the record using expandRecordDefinition function.
  7. For function type, we generate its parameters types and return type to get correct type info.
  8. Type system to used to get return types of function, parameters types, field type in record and any definition that is not a function, scope, type, record or import.


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